
The Prime Minister of Poland announced the resignation of his government


The head of the Polish government, Mateusz Morawiecki, resigned along with his cabinet on November 13.

The Polish Prime Minister announced his resignation at the first meeting of the Sejm of the new convocation.

This is reported by .

How Morawiecki resigned

Today a new parliament began its work in Poland. The ruling Law and Justice party no longer has a majority in the lower house of parliament and cannot independently form the cabinet.

In accordance with parliamentary custom, I wish to resign, – Morawiecki said at the first meeting of the new Sejm.

In the evening, President Andrzej Duda will give Morawiecki the authority to form a new government.

According to the results of the elections to the Polish parliament, the PiS party received 194 seats in the Sejm, the opposition Civic Platform, Third Way and Left – 157, 65 and 26 seats, respectively. Another 18 seats were won by the Confederation (a coalition of nationalists and Eurosceptics).

The PiS party declared itself the winner, having received more votes than other parties, and on this basis declared its right to form a cabinet, nominating Morawiecki as a candidate for prime minister.

The opposition parties, having concluded a coalition agreement and formally having more than half of the mandates, also declared their right to form a government, nominating former Chairman of the European Council Donald Tusk as a candidate for prime minister.

Having elected the governing bodies, the lower house of parliament will begin work on electing the prime minister. According to the Polish Constitution, a vote of confidence from the Sejm is required to appoint a prime minister.

Duda announced in advance that he would nominate Morawiecki. After this, Morawiecki will begin forming a new cabinet, which will take 14 days.

Duda must formally appoint Morawiecki as prime minister and ask the Sejm to express a vote of confidence in the new government.

If the Sejm does not express a vote of confidence to the Morawiecki Cabinet, in accordance with the Constitution, the deputies will independently nominate a candidate for the post of head of government. In this case, it is already known that it will be Tusk, who will also form the Cabinet and ask the Sejm to express a vote of confidence in him.

If this time the Seimas does not express a vote of confidence, the initiative to nominate a prime minister will again pass to the president. If this candidacy is rejected by the Seimas, the president will dissolve parliament and call new elections.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.