
The ruling party of Hungary named four reasons why Ukraine should not be accepted into the EU


The ruling party of Hungary, Fidesz, lists at least four reasons preventing Ukraine from joining the European Union.

This was stated by Fides Communications Director Istvan Hollick in a video message entitled “4 reasons why we say no to Ukraine’s accession to the European Union.”

The politician published a video message on his page on the social network Facebook (banned in the Russian Federation, owned by Meta, a recognized extremist company in Russia).

Why Ukraine should not be accepted into the EU, according to Fidesz

The Fidesz representative said that Ukraine was in a state of war as the first obstacle.

Neither its borders nor its population can be precisely defined, – Hollick stated.

According to him, it is difficult to understand which country’s admission to the EU is being discussed.

In addition, the politician noted, Kyiv is “trampling underfoot” the rights of Transcarpathian Hungarians.

Secondly, according to Hollick, Ukraine has received more funds from the EU over the past two years than Hungary, Croatia and Slovenia over the past 7 years.

However, this money did not change anything: there is still no peace, and the death of people on the battlefield continues, – noted a representative of the ruling party of Hungary.

The third argument of Fidesz is that if Ukraine is admitted to the EU, all countries of the association will become net donors.

As Hollick explained, this means that only Ukraine will receive EU assistance. According to calculations by the Financial Times, he recalled, if Ukraine joins the EU, it will be able to count on receiving at least 186 billion euros, which will deplete the financial reserves of the community and make them inaccessible to other states.

Speaking about the fourth reason, the politician recalled that Hungary waited 10 years to join the EU, and other countries followed the same path: accession always took at least 6-8 years, no one was accepted on an accelerated basis.

They want to make an exception only for Ukraine, – complained the Fides Communications Director.

In his opinion, the EU needs to promote a ceasefire and peace talks, and not seek Ukraine’s accession.

Hollick recalled that his party and its junior partners, the Christian Democrats, have introduced a resolution in parliament setting out this position and expect its approval next week.

Earlier, the head of the Hungarian government, Viktor Orban, opposed the inclusion in the agenda of the EU summit, scheduled for December 14-15, of the issue of starting negotiations with Ukraine on its entry into the union.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.