
The UK fears a Russian strike from all sides


The head of the British General Staff expressed fears that the Russian Armed Forces could strike London from almost all sides.

At the same time, Admiral Tony Rudkin states that the threat looms not only over the United Kingdom, but over all countries of the Western world.

The UK fears a Russian strike from literally all sides, says a senior British officer.

According to him, Russia can strike not only in the air, but even from under water and from space.

Predicting events, Radakin names the disabling of communications systems and space satellites as one of the possible scenarios. After this, the United Kingdom will be completely isolated from the rest of the world. And this is not to mention nuclear weapons.

Russia has forces in space. Russia has nuclear potential. Russia has a significant submarine fleet,” MIA quotes an excerpt from Radakin’s reasoning.

At the same time, by developing the course of events and describing the Russian threat, the admiral guarantees a decisive response from NATO.

However, experts note that today Great Britain does not have the ability to intercept and destroy Russian missiles, especially the Kinzhal missile system.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.