
The UK Parliament is dissolved. The date for new elections has already been set


The UK Parliament is dissolved. New – early – elections were scheduled for July 4.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak notified the general public about this.

According to him, the time has come when the people of the United Kingdom must choose their future.

The king granted the request

The head of government explained that we need to decide: “Do we want to build on the progress achieved or take the risk of finding ourselves back at the very beginning, without a plan, without clarity.”

In a conversation with His Majesty the King, I asked for the dissolution of Parliament. The king granted this request, and we will have general elections on July 4, – Sunak TASS agency.

He noted that the upcoming elections will be held against the backdrop of “the most dangerous situation in the world since the end of the Cold War.”

Political scientists remind: according to British law, elections to the country’s parliament were supposed to take place before January 2025.

The Times newspaper links the announcement of the dissolution of parliament and the calling of early elections with the publication of inflation data on Wednesday, May 22.

Economic background

The released data shows that the government was able to reduce price increases to 2.3% in annual terms.

By comparison, in October 2022, when Sunak came to power, price growth was slowed by 11.1%.

“I came to office primarily in order to restore economic stability, which is the cornerstone of any success,” this is what the prime minister said about the economic background of the issue of the election.

According to him, through “our collective sacrifices and hard work,” London has achieved certain achievements (lowering price increases) “to achieve this stability.”

Sunak announced that the British economy is now growing faster than predicted, outpacing the United States, Germany and France.

He also told his compatriots that the data on a return to normal inflation had been confirmed.

What the experts say

Some experts consider the decision to dissolve parliament “adventurous.”

They point out that the announcement of dissolution comes at a time when the ruling Conservative Party trails Labor by an average of 20%.

At the same time, many Tories, according to the British media, expressed dissatisfaction with Sunak’s work.

In particular, he is accused of failing to fulfill previously made promises, including on combating illegal migration and resolving the issue of queues for appointments with doctors.

Earlier, a British newspaper about the destruction of bases where mercenaries trained Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.