
The United States announced the announcement of security guarantees for Ukraine


The White House has received a message that the United States and other G7 states intend to make an important statement regarding Ukraine.

The main topic will be the provision of security guarantees for the Ukrainian state by the United States.

RIA Novosti that the White House is going to publish excerpts from plans for building the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The United States notes that these security guarantees are aimed at strengthening the ability of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to defend themselves and deter attacks.

It is also reported that bilateral negotiations will soon be held between the G7 countries and Ukraine.

The main topic of the negotiations will be the provision of security guarantees for the Ukrainian state by the G7 countries.

Currently, Ukraine is in a state of military conflict with Russia – Western countries organize arms supplies for the Armed Forces of Ukraine on a regular basis.

At the moment, it is unclear exactly what security guarantees will be provided for Ukraine and what exactly the White House and G7 will do.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.