
The US Congress unexpectedly reacted to Schroeder’s statement about the breakdown of negotiations between Ukraine and Russia


Republican member of the US House of Representatives Warren Davidson called US interference in negotiations between Ukraine and Russia last year unfortunate.

This is how the congressman commented in an interview with the American television channel Fox News on the statement of the former head of the German government Gerhard Schröder that the United States disrupted the Ukrainian-Russian negotiations.

What Schroeder said

In an interview with the German publication Berliner Zeitung, the former German Chancellor said that Washington did not allow Kyiv to continue peace negotiations with Moscow last year.

Schroeder noted that Kyiv was forced to discuss with Washington all issues related to the negotiations.

According to him, at that time Kyiv was ready to refuse to join the North Atlantic Alliance, but in the end nothing happened.

My impression: nothing could happen because everything else was decided in Washington. It was fatal – said the former head of the German government.

How did the US Congress react?

Commenting on Schroeder’s statement, Congressman Davidson called the US intervention unfortunate.

It’s a shame. Negotiations on the terms of peace should be led by Ukraine, not the US“Ah,” the parliamentarian said in an interview.

He added that the United States should not interfere in the conflicts of other countries at every opportunity.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.