
The US pointed out France’s mistake in allowing mass riots


Former Trump adviser Roger Stone named the cause of the riots in France.

In his opinion, the large number of protests was the reason for the incorrect implementation of migration policy by the Paris administration.

“Napoleon turns over in his grave when he sees that migrants can easily enter the country”– RIA Novosti, Stone’s message.

Meanwhile, riots have been going on in France for several days.

They flared up with renewed vigor after the murder of a 17-year-old teenager who was shot dead on June 27 – the young man refused to follow police orders.

Protest movements are organized in all cities – young people set fire to cars, law enforcement buildings and engage in robbery.

Special forces troops were sent to some areas of the cities. Armored vehicles and helicopters were also involved.

So far, the authorities are doing everything possible to control the situation in the country.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.