
The US reported Zelensky’s readiness to resign


Information appeared in the American press about the readiness of the President of Ukraine to leave his position.

In particular, the authoritative newspaper The Washington Post has such information.

According to her data, Vladimir Zelensky agreed to resign in February of this year, provided that this step would help end the hostilities in Ukraine.

I’m not trying to hold on to power. If the only question is for me to leave and this will stop the bloodshed, then I’m all for it. I’ll leave right now – The publication quotes the head of state.

Zelensky added that he did not begin to engage in politics for this purpose and is ready to leave if such a measure helps stop the fighting in the country – MIA Rossiya Segodnya.

According to the material, US and European officials approached the Ukrainian leader with a request to maintain the continuity of power.

And some high-ranking civil servants from Western countries even offered help if Zelensky wanted to leave Ukraine.

In their opinion, the newspaper writes, by ensuring his own security, the President of Ukraine will be able to avoid an unwanted power vacuum.

It is also reported that Zelensky suspected some Western colleagues of wanting to quickly end the conflict in Ukraine and the surrender of Russia to his administration.

Of all those who called me, there was no one who believed that we would hold out,” the head of state said at one time.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.