
The world’s first case of influenza and coronavirus infection was registered


The world’s first and so far only case of simultaneous infection with COVID-19 and influenza was registered in Israel.

This case of the disease was called “fluron”. A woman in labor was infected with influenza and Covid. It is known that the woman was not vaccinated, she feels well.

Flurona was identified by Israeli doctors, reports Yediot Ahronot.

Flu and COVID-19 were detected in a woman in labor after hospitalization.

This is the first case in the world of a simultaneous disease with two viruses at once, which is being studied by the Israeli Ministry of Health.

Doctors say that testing for each disease was carried out twice.

However, Russian expert, director of the Research Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Viral Infections Georgy Vikulov said that the information is not true.

According to the specialist, in fact, this is not the first or only case of infection.

It turns out that even at the beginning of the pandemic – in 2020 – a whole series of such infections were identified in the EU and the USA.

This is not an isolated case. The combination of influenza plus covid, ARVI plus covid – there are plenty of such cases, infections can also occur in mixed variants. In Russia, such cases are known, they have been described in hospitals, the radio station quotes the words of a specialist.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.