
There are 12 CIA spy bases in Ukraine near the border with Russia.


The authoritative American newspaper The New York Times has learned that there are 12 CIA spy bases operating in Ukraine near the border with Russia.

Current and former officials from Ukraine itself, as well as from the USA and Europe, told the publication about this.

According to them, these secret facilities were created over the past 8 years by the States with the support of the Central Intelligence Agency.

Main bridgehead

Thanks to such a wide network of spy bases, Ukraine is considered by Washington as one of its key intelligence springboards in the fight against the Russian Federation.

Today, this has turned Ukraine into one of Washington’s most important intelligence partners in the fight against the Kremlin, according to the American publication Rossiya Segodnya.

It is noted that part of this spy network is an information interception post.

According to the NYT, US intelligence agencies worked closely, including with Ukrainian “personnel,” including the current head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, Kirill Budanov.

Statement by the former head of the SBU

In addition, the article draws attention, the CIA trained Ukrainian spies operating in Russia, Europe, Cuba and other countries where there is a presence of Russian citizens.

Former head of the SBU Ivan Bakanov said that without the CIA, Kyiv would not have had the opportunity to “resist the Russians.”

Separately, the newspaper points to the fact that even after the withdrawal of all personnel from Ukraine in February 2022, intelligence officers remained in the country – in Western Ukraine.

American spies were also hunting for information about where Moscow intended to strike and what weapons systems it wanted to use.

What made the US angry?

The publication writes that from time to time – starting in 2016 – Ukrainians violated Washington’s conditions, which angered him.

The violations consisted in the fact that Kyiv considered the US caution to be unjustified.

Therefore, he independently began organizing murders and “other deadly operations.”

The White House threatened to stop supporting Ukraine, but never did, says The New York Times.

Bloomberg previously reported that Ukraine is Europe’s East and West.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.