
There was a crash. During the debate between Truss and Sunaki, the presenter fainted after talking about Putin


An extremely unpleasant incident occurred during a televised debate between candidates for the post of Prime Minister of Great Britain.

Due to an unfortunate circumstance, the live broadcast event was interrupted, which came as a complete surprise to everyone, including the television crew.

Foreign Minister Liz Truss’s discussion with former Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak was shown in real time by the TalkTV channel and the website of The Sun newspaper.

As TASS, trouble struck when Truss was talking about Russia and Vladimir Putin.

The head of the foreign policy department said the following:

If Putin achieves success in Ukraine, he will not stop there. He will challenge freedom and democracy.

It was this phrase that was interrupted by a sudden crash, as if something had fallen. A frightened Truss exclaimed: “Oh my God!”

Then the broadcast was interrupted. A splash screen appeared with an inscription about technical difficulties that had arisen.

About 15 minutes later, the TV channel announced the reason why the broadcast was interrupted: “a medical issue.”

At the same time, the presenter said that “everything is fine” in the studio – the candidates continue to “answer people’s questions.” But the debate was no longer shown on TV.

A little later, the term “medical issue” was clarified. It turns out that while Truss was talking about Putin, TV channel presenter Kate McCann lost consciousness.

Kate McCann fainted on live TV tonight. Although she feels great, doctors do not recommend continuing the debate. We apologize to our viewers and listeners,” the channel said in an official statement.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.