
TikTok challenge caused the death of children


A 10-year-old girl died in the United States because of one of the TikTok challenges, and now the family of the deceased child has decided to sue the social network.

According to Bloomberg, Nila Anderson died last December after taking part in the popular “blackout challenge.”

A dark Internet video in which bloggers ask followers to complete a certain task has become increasingly popular, the news agency said.

It consisted of participants having to tighten a belt around their neck.

Relatives of the deceased child filed a lawsuit against the administration of the social network because TikTok algorithms were unable to identify a threat in dangerous entertainment.

Let us recall that in December last year, the world media reported that relatives found the child unconscious in the bedroom.

The girl was hospitalized and died in intensive care five days later.

Previously, the blackout challenge claimed the life of an American schoolboy from Oklahoma in July 2021.

And in January 2021, a 10-year-old girl died in Italy.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.