
Tonight the Starlink train will be visible throughout Italy, here’s how to see it


Often when you look up you see strange lights in the sky in a row as if it were a train. Well those aren’t aliens but simply Starlink satellites. Basically a satellite constellation system that aims to provide global internet coverage. This system is ideal for rural and geographically isolated areas where Internet connectivity is unreliable or non-existent. System owner is with the purpose of create a global broadband network and Starlink uses a constellation of low-Earth orbit (LE) satellites to provide high-speed Internet services. SpaceX, more formally known as Space Exploration Technologies Corp., is a privately held rocket and spacecraft company founded by Elon Musk in 2002.


The passage tonight 27 September 2024 at 7.41pm will be visible from north – west to south – east so rely on the compasses of your smartphones to position yourself (this passage will last about 6 minutes but we advise you to position yourself a little earlier) . In the next paragraph you can download those of your cities (if the passage is not yet marked, try throughout the day). Here is the map for Rome this evening (just for example):

The maps

It’s very simple to know where and when these satellites will be visible from your city. The fastest way is to connect to the site and select your city at the top right. Once this is done, select ‘Starlink steps’ from the menu and you’re done. Maps with time and date will obviously be available for download. This site will also allow you to discover the steps of the other satellites and all the passages of the International Space Station (ISS). Happy ‘hunting’ everyone! Here is a video of a passage:

Many of you ask us “what is that train of lights that crosses the sky every now and then?” and we are here to answer you, giving you the opportunity to observe the passage of the Starlink satellites when they are visible from Italy. Even though they are useful tools and the sight of the train in the sky leaves you speechless, there is also a downside. When you see these ‘pretty lights’ in the sky, remember that they are a form of pollution. They are the analogue of the beautiful iridescent reflections of diesel in a puddle of water: beautiful colors, but which highlight chemical pollution.

The artificial satellites

In fact, let us remember that artificial satellites constitute a serious form of pollution of the night sky. Their high brightness, even when not visible to the naked eye, causes very high damage to professional and amateur scientific research, contaminating and often making the data collected by telescopes unusable, even in places freest from normal light pollution, such as in the Chilean observatories, Hawaiians and Canarians. The very high and continuously growing number of satellites in low orbit also makes the risk of catastrophic collisions between satellites increasingly present which could lead to a chain reaction effect such as to make these very precious orbits unusable (Kessler syndrome). The proliferation of satellites is making the pristine night sky a thing of the past, even from the most remote places on Earth free of light pollution from artificial lights.

More information can be found here:

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.