
Tonight there will be a partial lunar eclipse (visible in Italy): follow it live


Tonight the Moon will be the protagonist with a partial eclipse visible throughout Italy. Follow it live with astrophysicist Gianluca Masi

Tomorrow September 18, 2024, the second Supermoon of the year will give us a partial eclipse. Even if not total, it will be nice to see it (the event is visible to the naked eye). The Virtual Telescope Project will show live, online, from Italy the beauty of this natural event directly from the structure a Tuscany Maremma, Italy. Free online session to view Supermoon partial eclipse is scheduled for on September 18, 2024, starting at 00:30 UT. Below, here are the Italian times to see the partial lunar eclipse:


The penumbral eclipse begins September 18, 2024 time 02:41
Partial eclipse begins September 18, 2024 time 04:12
Maximum eclipse September 18, 2024 time 04:44
Partial eclipse ends September 18, 2024 time 05:15
The penumbral eclipse ends September 18, 2024 time 06:47

Here is the YouTube link to follow the live broadcast:

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I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.