
Trump informs: Biden does not understand that he is still alive


Former US President Donald Trump suspected current head of state Joe Biden of doing something extremely unpleasant for the latter.

According to the former, the current occupant of the White House may not realize that he is still alive.

Thus, Trump commented on the incident with Biden’s improper storage of secret documents and the decision of the special prosecutor made in this case.

Evil and smart

If he is not charged with a criminal case, it is up to them to decide, but then I cannot be blamed either, – Donald Trump MIA “Russia Today”.

He calls what happened the persecution of Biden’s political opponent, that is, Trump.

I don’t know if Biden is involved because I don’t think he knows he’s alive. But these are evil and very smart people who surround his workplace,” Donald said.

As for the documents that caused a stir, according to Trump, Biden kept them for years in cardboard boxes in the garage behind a regular door.

And it was a completely different matter for Trump: he says that after his presidential term he was protected by the Secret Service, and documents were kept in securely locked premises.

Report to the prosecutor

Biden’s investigation into prosecutor Robert Hehr’s improper storage of classified documents has ended – he declined to prosecute.

He argued this way: in court, the jury may consider the current president of the country to be “a nice old man with memory problems.”

The prosecutor notes that during communication with his team, Biden did indeed have memory problems.

In particular, the head of state could not accurately indicate the start and end dates of his work as vice president, and also could not name the date of death of his son Bo, the prosecutor’s report states.

Earlier, Biden was again with the deceased politician. This time, he said, with the late Chancellor Kohl.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.