
Turkey announced that passenger screening rules will be tightened at the country’s airports


On the evening of July 4, Turkish parliamentarians adopted amendments to the civil aviation law.

These amendments provide for tougher screening procedures for passengers at Turkish air ports.

The country’s airport security officials will be able to search the belongings of people planning to enter the terminal or boarding area, according to a local TV channel.

The information shared by the Turkish media is given by:

How the rules for screening passengers at Turkish airports will change

It is reported that the updated rules will be brought into line with the Chicago Convention.

The latter provides for the following: representatives of the airport security service can inspect the belongings of passengers at the entrance to the terminal or boarding area.

It is emphasized that we are talking not only about personal luggage, but also about gadgets.

If a person does not allow security officers to inspect his belongings, he will be deprived of the opportunity to be at the airport.

If items are found that cannot be transported, they will be confiscated.

The adopted amendments also provide for some other innovations.

It was previously reported that the balloon was carrying 22 passengers.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.