
“Ugly outlines”: Putin spoke about an attempt to create a unipolar world


President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin spoke about attempts to create a unipolar world on the planet.

The Russian leader made a corresponding statement within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit, which was opened today in Samarkand (Uzbekistan).

The Russian president outlined his point of view about trying to influence world politics during a meeting with Chinese leader Xi Jinping.

President Putin noted that such attempts have taken on ugly shape.

Attempts to create a unipolar world have recently acquired absolutely ugly shapes and are absolutely unacceptable for the vast majority of states on the planet, MIA quotes Vladimir Putin as saying.

SCO summit in Samarkand

Experts explain the increased attention to the opening summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization not only by the meeting of the leaders of Russia and China against the backdrop of the crisis in Ukraine and the escalation of the situation around Taiwan.

The fact is that ten more states have expressed a desire to join the SCO, including Syria, the UAE, Qatar and other countries.

It is known that the corresponding memorandum on joining the SCO was signed by the leader of Iran, despite the fact that the members of the Organization are the largest countries in the world – Russia, India and China.

The agenda of the opening summit includes a discussion of the issue of adapting the SCO to new challenges and threats in the modern world.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.