
Ukraine is losing allies: Slovakia may refuse to supply weapons and support anti-Russian sanctions


Ukrainian journalists shared their suspicions that one of the Western European allies may refuse to supply weapons to Kyiv. We’re talking about Slovakia.

No less terrible are the reports that at the same time Bratislava may refuse to support anti-Russian sanctions.

Kyiv and Bratislava – friendship of a century?

Ukraine may lose an important ally after the change of power in Slovakia, they write with reference to the Ukrainian publication “European Truth”.

Ukrainian journalists are expressing concern about possible changes in this country.

The fact is that in addition to howitzers and air defense, official Bratislava “had” to transfer aviation and tanks to Kyiv.

The Ukrainian publication sees suspicions of a change in the political course in Slovakia in the local party “Course – Social Democracy”.

The leader of the movement, Fico, openly criticizes the authorities for providing military assistance to Ukraine.

Changes in Slovakia are fraught with problems with the transfer of weapons to Ukraine, as well as the abandonment of sanctions on energy resources from Russia (oil and gas in particular).

What else do the media write?

Let us recall that earlier The New York Times published an article in which it was indicated that Western countries are beginning to openly doubt Kyiv’s ability to win this conflict.

Colleagues of journalists from The Washington Times share the same opinion, noting that weapons supplied by the United States are unlikely to help the Ukrainian Armed Forces survive.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.