
Ukraine requests cluster bombs from the US


It became known that Kyiv sent a request to the US Congress to provide cluster bombs.

More precisely, the Ukrainian authorities are asking congressmen to influence the White House in order to make a positive decision for Kyiv on this issue.

We are talking about airborne cluster bombs, which the Ukrainian side recommends including in the new package of American military assistance.

TASS reported this with reference to the Reuters agency, which in turn refers to its own informed sources.

They said that Kyiv wants to get MK-20 cluster bombs at its disposal in order to drop them from drones in the future.

Ukraine also requested 155mm cluster artillery shells from the United States.

Reuters notes that cluster bombs, which release large numbers of smaller bombs, are now banned in more than 120 countries.

Let us recall that relatively recently, the head of the US State Department, Antony Blinken, announced that his country had allocated the next – 33rd – aid package to Ukraine in the amount of about $400 million.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.