
Ukrainian refugees. Poland hits Zelensky – Daily Express


Recently it became known that the Polish authorities obliged Ukrainian refugees to pay 50% of housing costs.

The British tabloid Daily Express called this decision by Warsaw a blow to Vladimir Zelensky.

Warsaw’s decision came into force on March 1. It applies to those refugees from Ukraine who have been in Poland for more than 120 days.

It is they who must now pay 50% of the cost of living, but no more than 40 zlotys (just over 9 dollars) per day.

About this MIA “Russia Today”, noting that from May this category of Ukrainian refugees will have to pay 75% of the cost of living (if they are in the country for more than 180 days).

At the same time, their daily payment from May will be 60 zlotys (about 13 dollars 50 cents).

Warsaw justifies its decision by the fact that it no longer has the ability to pay for the accommodation of 80,000 Ukrainians.

According to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Poland, Mariusz Kaminski, his country received 123 million euros from the special migration fund of the European Union, but these funds were not enough.

The Polish authorities also explain the decision by the opinion of experts, who note that the most optimal assistance to refugees should not last more than 1 year.

These rules are motivating in nature,” said Deputy Head of the Polish Ministry of Internal Affairs Pavel Schefernaker.

By the way. According to the Polish authorities, there are currently about 950,000 Ukrainian refugees remaining in the republic, and a total of 2.3 million Ukrainians live in the country.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.