
Vucic believes that the West can send its troops to Ukraine


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic believes that the West may well send its troops to Ukraine.

The leader of the Balkan state says: such a possibility cannot be excluded in the current conditions.

At the same time, he predicts even more “difficult situations” in the foreseeable future.

Vucic recalled: when they first started talking about Western tanks in Ukraine, many said that this would not happen, but it happened.

The same applies to Western aircraft: many noted that they would not be delivered to Kyiv, but, the Serbian president notes, “this happened.”

Now there is talk about Western troops in Ukraine. Some say that this will not happen, but it will happen, – Vučić, TASS agency.

He predicts: “the situation will worsen everywhere.”

For this reason, the head of state called on his compatriots to “find the best possible solution for our country” in order to protect it.

He also called for assistance “to our people in Kosovo and Metohija and to protect Kosovo and Metohija as part of Serbia.”

Vucic believes that these and some other steps can ensure progress and economic growth for his country.

Earlier, Le Monde reported that France could allow special forces to cross the Ukrainian border.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.