
Warsaw officially announced the transfer of several MiG-29s to Ukraine


It recently became known that Poland transferred several of its MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine.

The general public was notified of this by the head of the International Policy Bureau of the Office of the Polish President, Marcin Przydacz.

Several MiGs have already been sent, as far as I know, – a civil servant from the highest political circles of Warsaw MIA “Russia Today”.

They asked him: what kind of planes were transferred to Kyiv: Polish or Slovak?

The head of the bureau responded as follows:

Slovak is Slovak, and we are talking about Polish.

He added that, according to the information he has, the process of transferring the first part of the fighters to Ukraine has already been completed.

At the same time, Marcin Przydacz emphasized: Warsaw, in any case, intended to remove these fighters from service.

Why did we need them in Poland? This is post-Soviet technology, which should have been replaced over the next few years,” he said.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.