
“We don’t want to be part of this.” The President of Ecuador explained why he will not transfer Soviet weapons to the United States


Information about Ecuador’s refusal to transfer its Soviet weapons to the United States was confirmed by the country’s President Daniel Noboa.

He gave the reason why he refuses to do this: due to Washington’s intention to transfer these weapons to Ukraine.

To our surprise, the United States has publicly announced that these weapons will be used in the armed conflict in Ukraine, and we do not want to be a part of that. – Head of the South American state MIA “Russia Today”.

Noboa claims that he himself was not aware of Washington’s plans for Ecuadorian weapons.

He also noted that Russia was right on the issue of military equipment.

And he once again stated that Quito will not transfer weapons to a third party, which will then be transferred to Kyiv.

Señor President then pointed to the fact that Russia is Ecuador’s third most important trading partner.

In connection with the last extremely important point for the Latin American country, its authorities do not intend to violate international treaties, Noboa promised.

Previously, the media reported that Ecuador would supply Russian equipment to the United States.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.