
What will happen on Earth with global warming of just 2 degrees Celsius?


Employees of the Potsdam Institute spoke in detail about what will happen on Earth if the global temperature rises by just 2 degrees Celsius.

This scenario is no exception, but only if the rate of temperature rise remains at the same level.

In such a situation, German scientists foresee not only the accelerated melting of ice sheets at the poles. They published their report in the journal Earth System Dynamics.

Ocean currents will also upset the balance. Their influence will be mutual on each other, causing a domino effect.

After this, the lives of half of all the inhabitants of the Earth will never be the same.

Exploring the possible consequences, climatologists have developed 3 million models of the development of the climate situation.

About 30% of the possible options provoked the mentioned domino principle.

The point of no return is an increase in temperature of 2 Celsius compared to pre-industrial levels.

The glaciers of Antarctica and Greenland will be the first to melt.

This will cause the Atlantic currents to cool.

This process will cause a decrease in rainfall in the tropics.

Because of this, the Amazon forests will become savannah.

The lives of 40% of earthlings – and primarily coastal areas – will change forever, and this could happen in the coming years.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.