
Who is the politician who will receive a lifetime pension after having governed for 33 days?


The former governor of Mato Grosso Moisés Feltrin, aged 82, will receive a lifetime pension for having commanded the state for 33 days in 1991.

The decision was made by the ministers of the Second Panel of the .

Today, the salary of the current governor of Mato Grosso, Mauro Mendes (União Brasil), is R$30,862.79. Feltrin will receive R$33 thousand.

Why was he governor?

Feltrin took over the government on February 10, 1991 because governor Carlos Bezerra resigned from his position to run for a senator’s seat. At the same time, deputy Edison Freitas de Oliveira went on medical leave.

As he was president of the Legislative Assembly of Mato Grosso at the time, Moisés Feltrin took the position, as he was next in the line of succession.

After just over a month, on March 15, 1991, Feltrin’s term ended with the inauguration of Jayme Campos, elected in the 1990 election.

Who is Moisés Feltrin?

Moisés Feltrin was born on December 25, 1941, in Martinópolis (SP), a city about 540 kilometers from the capital of São Paulo. He has a degree in Law and began his political career as a councilor and later became a state deputy.

Feltrin was elected state representative for the first time in 1979 and was re-elected in 1982 and 1986.

In 1991, when he took over the government of Mato Grosso, he focused on administrative issues and public policies already in progress.

Understand the decision

In Brazil, some governors receive a pension after leaving office due to state laws that guarantee this remuneration as a form of recognition for public service.

An example is Complementary Law No. 200, of 2009, which establishes the retirement regime for governors and other senior executive positions. In many states, such as Mato Grosso, this pension is equivalent to the active governor’s salary.

In 2018, the STF had decided to suspend pension payments, but Feltrin filed an appeal against it. The rapporteur, Minister Edson Fachin, voted to reject it, but his position was defeated.

Dean Gilmar Mendes voted in favor of the appeal and was followed by ministers Dias Toffoli, André Mendonça and Kassio Nunes Marques.

It is not a “privilege”, but a “benefit”

Mendes argued that the pension would not be an “odious privilege”, but a “benefit of a food nature received for years by an individual who, having trusted in legislation and administration, is no longer able to meet, due to advanced age, his needs. needs in the labor market”.

According to Feltrin’s lawyer, Artur Osti, the former governor received approximately R$13,000 over 21 years. Now, he will receive R$33,000.

In the decision, the Electoral Court also determined retroactive payment for the years in which the pension was suspended.

When voting against the appeal, Fachin justified that “the jurisprudence of this Court has a long-established understanding that a complaint whose act identified as being complained of is a decision given by ministers is inadmissible”.

“The Federal Supreme Court’s accession only follows a pattern that was already being adopted and there is nothing new specifically in relation to his case,” Feltrin’s defense said to CNN.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.