
Wing of the STF defends the trial of actions against blocking the X in the plenary | Blogs


A wing of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) defends that the judgment of and against takes place in the Court’s plenary.

Ministers heard privately by the CNN explain that the plenary session of the STF is the panel with competence to judge allegations of non-compliance with a fundamental precept (ADPF), an action chosen by Novo and OAB to question Alexandre de Moraes’ decision.

The ADPF was created in 1999 and is presented to the STF when the objective is to avoid or repair injury to a fundamental precept, resulting from an act of the Public Power.

Rapporteur of the actions, Minister Nunes Marques said last week that the blockade of X is a “sensitive” issue with social repercussions and, therefore, he thinks “”.

“The constitutional controversy conveyed in this argument is sensitive and has special repercussions for public and social order, so I consider it pertinent to submit it for consideration and pronouncement by the Plenary of the Supreme Federal Court”, wrote Nunes Marques.

Minister Luís Roberto Barroso, president of the STF, however, has already.

“The suspension of X has already been decided by the First Panel. The competence of the First Panel is the regulatory competence”, stated Barroso. The definition of the dates and processes that will be judged in plenary is the responsibility of the president of the court.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.