
Without Lula, Planalto receives governors this Thursday (19) to deal with fires


The Palácio do Planalto receives, this Thursday (19), nine governors and two vice-presidents to discuss the fires that are affecting several regions of Brazil.

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) did not participate in the meeting.

The meeting is scheduled for 3pm and will be led by the Minister of the Civil House, Rui Costa.

The following governors participate in the agenda:

  • Helder Barbalho (Pará),
  • Ronaldo Caiado (Goiás),
  • Mauro Mendes (Mato Grosso),
  • Wilson Lima (Amazonas),
  • Gladson Cameli (Acre),
  • Eduardo Riedel (Mato Grosso do Sul),
  • Wanderlei Barbosa (Tocantins),
  • Antonio Denarius (Roraima)
  • and Ibaneis Rocha (Federal District).

Vice-governors Sérgio Gonçalves da Silva (Rondônia) and Antônio Pinheiro Teles Júnior (Amapá) will also be present.

According to the Civil House, ministers and representatives of Justice, the Environment, Regional Integration and Development and Institutional Relations should also participate.

According to the analyst at CNN Caio Junqueira, there is one among the governors about the line that has been adopted by the government, of attributing part of the responsibility for the fires to the states.

Last Tuesday (17), the government published a provisional measure (MP) to combat forest fires in the Legal Amazon.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.