
Yerevan was warned about the risk of being drawn into anti-Russian politics


The Russian Foreign Ministry warned Yerevan about the threat of being drawn into anti-Russian policies by Western countries.

The situation was commented on by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova.

Unfortunately, we have been seeing this trend for quite a long time and we are talking about it. We speak, including very confidentially, with our Armenian colleagues and partners with only one goal – to warn,” MIA quotes Zakharova.

At the same time, the diplomat noted that Moscow wants Armenia to maintain its sovereignty and conduct its policy taking into account national interests.

As for Yerevan’s doubts about the sincerity of the intentions of the Russian side, there is a historical example for this.

Here Zakharova mentioned the protection of Armenia by the Russian military, as well as the personal efforts of Russian President Putin to stop the bloodshed.

And these are not those endless blah-blah-blah, empty words, promises that, as they have always given historically, many Western countries give to Armenia, Yerevan that they will protect, help, and so on. And for some reason they will protect us from Russia, which truly stopped the bloodshed, which truly gave financial and economic assistance, without demanding anything in return and without exposing it to enslaving conditions, which became home to a huge number of families, citizens, people, and professional interests. “, Zakharova summed up.

Earlier it became known that Alexander Lukashenko was in Mongolia.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.