
Yonhap: North Korea sent balloons filled with garbage to South Korea


South Korean soldiers found several dozen balloons on the territory of their country.

The latter are believed to have been sent by North Korea.

Along with the balloons, garbage and other waste entered the territory of South Korea.

The unusual incident was reported by the Yonhap news agency (Republic of Korea).

Details of the incident in Korea

According to foreign media reports, the first balloons, possibly sent by the North Korean side, were found on South Korean territory on the evening of May 28.

Then in South Korea it was assumed that propaganda leaflets had also entered the country with the balloons.

However, on May 29, it was reported that the balloons did not bring with them propaganda and political literature.

Instead of the expected leaflets, the discovered balloons contained garbage and other waste, – reports MIA “” with reference to the agency “Rönhap”

So far, almost 100 balls have been found. The search continues. Military personnel and law enforcement officers of South Korea are taking part in the relevant work.

It is worth emphasizing that on May 26, Pyongyang spoke about plans to scatter “mountains of waste paper and dirt” on the territory of some South Korean regions.

This is how North Korea planned to respond to the distribution of leaflets by Seoul.

Previously, North Korea would occupy South Korea if necessary.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.