
Zambelli is questioned in action at the STF for hacking into CNJ systems


The deputy began to be questioned this Monday (7) in criminal proceedings at the Federal Supreme Court (STF).

Zambelli is a defendant for the crimes of hacking a computer device and misrepresentation regarding the hacking of the National Justice Council (CNJ) system to insert false data. Hacker Walter Delgatti Neto is a defendant in the same action and was also questioned.

The rapporteur of the action is the minister.

Interrogation is part of the processing of criminal actions. This is the last stage of the phase known as instruction, when evidence is collected, due diligence is carried out and people related to the incident are interviewed.

The deputy’s defense denies the accusations and says she is innocent.

He is a confessed defendant in the case. He is known as the “Vaza Jato hacker”, for having invaded devices belonging to authorities in the Lava Jato operation.

“Papel central”

Zambelli and Delgatti became defendants in the STF in May after a complaint from the Attorney General’s Office (PGR) against the duo.

The investigation found that they inserted false documents into the agency’s system, such as an arrest warrant against Minister Alexandre de Moraes, from the STF.

According to the PGR’s complaint, Zambelli had a “central role” in the invasion of electronic systems and was the “intellectual author” of the hacker attack.

Zambelli, according to the indictment, “enlisted” hacker Walter Delgatti, promising him benefits in exchange for his services.

According to the accusation, from August 2022 to January 2023, Delgatti invaded “several times computer devices used by the Judiciary, tampering with information, arrest warrants, release permits, decisions to breach banking secrecy, and even determining the system that issued an ideologically false document.”

Objective, according to the complaint

According to the Attorney General of the Republic, Paulo Gonet, the objective was “to generate an environment of demoralization of Brazilian Justice, to obtain a political advantage, proposing, from the beginning, to invade a computer device, which, after all, determined, actively participating in the production of an ideologically false court order.”

The PGR cited a Federal Police report that confirmed that the hacker “worked for the accused (Zambelli), and it should be noted that he had access information to electronic sites and servers associated with the parliamentarian”.

According to the accusation, the payment was “hidden” to try to cover up the relationship, and was made through a third party – Jean Hernani, an employee in Zambelli’s office. He was not charged in the case.

The objective of the undertaking, narrated the PGR, was to obtain “a media and political advantage, which would come from the project of demoralizing the Justice system, as well as causing damage to the functioning of the judicial administrative machine”.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.