
Zanin is elected president of the First Panel of the STF in place of Moraes


The minister was unanimously elected to the position of president of the First Panel of the Federal Supreme Court (STF).

The election was held at the collegiate session this Tuesday (10).

Zanin, who has been a member of the Group since August 2023, when he joined the Court, stated that he intends to continue the work of minister Alexandre de Moraes, who presided over the group last year.

The system is provided for in the Internal Regulations of the STF.

Each Class is chaired by the oldest minister in the group among its members who has not yet held the position. The mandate is for a period of one year.

Reappointment to the position is not permitted until all members have held the presidency, in descending order of seniority (“time served”).

See the current composition of the STF Panels:

First Class

  • Minister Cristiano Zanin – President
  • Minister Alexandre de Moraes
  • Minister Carmen Lúcia
  • Minister Luiz Fux
  • Minister Flávio Dino

Second Class

  • Minister Edson Fachin – President
  • Minister Gilmar Mendes
  • Minister Dias Toffoli
  • Minister Nunes Marques
  • Minister André Mendonça

Division by agility

The division of the STF into two groups aims to free up the plenary session – made up of the 11 ministers of the Supreme Court –, thus speeding up the analysis of cases.

Members meet three times a week to judge cases. He is not in any of the groups because he is the president of the STF.

The First and Second Panels are composed of five ministers each. Meetings are held on Tuesdays to judge appeal-level cases that are generally considered to be of lesser importance.

On Wednesdays and Thursdays, plenary sessions take place, with eleven ministers present. Actions of greater importance are judged, involving members of the Executive Branch, for example, as well as cases in which divergence occurs between the Panels and a vote by the eleven ministers is necessary.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.