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Baba Vanga Foresees Doom: Europe’s Fate and Mysterious Events on Venus!


Bulgarian seer Baba Vanga has predicted that the end of humanity will begin at the end of next year. Do you believe her?

Baba Vanga is a well-known personality who, even after her death in 1996, has been a topic of conversation all over the world. At issue are the predictions she ‘left’ for the years to come, and although we are still halfway through 2024, the predictions for next year are already known – and they don’t bring better days.

Predictions for 2025 and Beyond

According to international publications, Vangelia Gushterova – better known as Baba Vanga – suggested that the beginning of the end of humanity is ‘set’ for the end of 2025, and, according to what is written, Europe will be ‘in the crosshairs’. The Bulgarian seeress is said to have prophesied that a devastating event will take place on the European continent and that, in its aftermath, the population will be irreparably affected.

But the predictions left by this woman, who is also known as the ‘Nostradamus of the Balkans’ – in a reference to a French astrologer – don’t get any better as the years go by. For 2028, the woman predicted that space exploration would go even further, and that humans would get even closer to the Sun, with the exploration of the planet Venus.

Sea Levels and Climate Change

As for 2033, Baba Vanga spoke of rising sea levels as a result of melting ice – something that is not unknown to the public, given the warnings given by experts who have been studying climate change.

Far-Future Predictions

The predictions in the international press also point to other events, stretching up to the year 5079, when the end of everything will come. Until the apocalypse arrives, Baba Vanga foresaw partisan ideologies spreading around the world, contact with extraterrestrial life, and even the Earth becoming uninhabitable.


Whether one believes in Baba Vanga’s predictions or not, they certainly provoke thought and discussion about the future. The question remains: are these predictions a warning, a prophecy, or simply a matter of interpretation?

As we move forward, only time will tell how much of Baba Vanga’s foresight comes to pass and what it means for humanity’s future.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.