Life hacks

Did the store sell you tough meat? This trick will soften it immediately to make it tasty


Sometimes we buy meat that’s tough, no matter how long we cook or braise it. It just won’t soften, even though it’s already basically falling apart into fibers. Which, unfortunately, are still hard. We just can’t see into the meat and how it tastes is sometimes a lottery.

Sprinkle them with soda

Fortunately, there are gadgets that can tenderize even tough meat. And of course, you can use them as a preventative measure to make sure your lunch is a gastronomic experience for everyone involved. That the slice on the plate doesn’t turn into a hard-to-chew, tough mushroom for the diners.

So how do you achieve succulent bites that melt on the tongue? Sprinkle them with baking soda and let them sit for a while. Then wash it off and season the meat with salt and pepper as usual. But you can also add soda to minced meat if you’re going to bake meatloaf or fry meatballs. In that case, of course, you can’t wash it off, leave it in the meat. It will be very juicy and only ½ teaspoon of soda per 1 kg of minced meat is enough.

Treat him to a sour

Anything sour that you put in it will tenderize the meat. The toughness of the meat fibres will be affected by the mild acids that can penetrate the muscle. You can rub it with vinegar, lemon, mustard or wine. However, if these ingredients are not suitable for your recipe, wash them before preparing.

You can marinate the slices in a marinade that includes various herbs and spices to soften them. These flavours will then permeate the meat beautifully. But it should always include something sour. Mustard or kefir, for example.

If you want to stew the meat with tomatoes, you can be sure that it will be tender and juicy even without previous procedures. Even tomatoes contain light acids.

If you’re going to fry the steaks, add not only salt but also a little mustard or kefir to the egg that comes with the trivet. They’ll just melt then.

If you like liver, either beef or pork, let it rest in the fridge overnight, covered in mustard or kefir. Both are great for removing their distinctive flavour and leaving only clean, tender meat.

Don’t be afraid to marinate meats in acidic products, it will only benefit their taste. And you’ll never have to feel disappointed that, despite the money and work you spent, your lunch didn’t turn out to your satisfaction.

Photo: Shutterstock

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.