Life hacks

Famous Pohlreich’s toast. The chef has figured out how to make them tasty and without oil


Toasts are a great option to help us get rid of old bread. And since the classic in oil and garlic has outlived its usefulness, we’re trying to come up with new variations on the theme. We dip the bread in egg before toasting, bake it in a toaster oven and top it with various vegetables or sausages.

Even our most famous chef decided to invent a great toast. He, too, was looking for a way to achieve a gastronomic experience without the slice of bread having to swim in oil first. And we are going to introduce you to 2 ways, how you can prepare healthier versions according to Zdenek Pohlreich.

Try a taste of Spain

The first one was inspired by Spain, where toast with tomatoes and Parma ham is very popular. What’s more, this recipe is very simple and Spaniards are said to be obsessed with it. In addition to the bread, you’ll need a tomato, ham – preferably dried, garlic, olive oil, pepper and salt.

Lightly drizzle the slices of bread with olive oil and let them bake in the oven or on the grill until golden. Peel the tomato. You don’t need to steam it beforehand, the skin will stay in your hand when you grate it. Salt and pepper the grated tomato and rub the toasted bread with garlic. Layer the tomato mixture and slices of ham on top. Garnish with fresh basil or rocket.

Or go for Italian

The second option is inspired by Italy and is a bit more labor intensive. You’ll need chicken livers, red wine, sliced gelatin, onions, anchovies, pepper, salt and thyme. First, let the gelatin swell in cold water, wring it out and let it dissolve in the hot wine. Then let it cool.

Fry the chopped onion in a little butter and add the chicken livers. When soft, mash them with a fork and season with pepper and thyme. Heat through and, if necessary, cover with wine. Finally, add the chopped anchovies, which should have completely dissolved with the heat, and season with salt if necessary. Then just spread the mixture on the toast, which you will prepare in a toaster oven or drizzle with olive oil in the oven. Add the sliced gelatin on top and you’re done.

Photo: Shutterstock

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.