Life hacks

Here’s what you can expect if you drink a melon and cucumber juice every morning for a week


This refreshing drink is great for including in breakfast on several days.
Melon juice is a great, healthy, refreshing drink for breakfast (Illustrative Image Infobae)

Here's what you can expect if you drink a melon and cucumber juice every morning for a week



It’s also packed with antioxidants like vitamin C and beta-carotene, which strengthen the immune system and fight free radicals, preventing cell damage. On top of that, it’s a source of vitamin E, which is linked to the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

Another lesser-known benefit is that it acts as a natural diuretic, helping to flush out toxins and reduce fluid retention.

According to the Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Development, eating watermelon for breakfast for a week can cleanse the body.

The watermelon is a food that helps the body get rid of toxins (Photo: Pexels). One way to include this fruit in the first meal of the day is to make watermelon juice with cucumber. The recipe is really simple:

Here's what you can expect if you drink a melon and cucumber juice every morning for a week


  • You’ll need:
  • 1/2 melon
  • 1 small cucumber
  • 1 lemon’s worth of juice
  • 1 glass of water

Cut the melon into cubes, removing the rind and seeds.

  1. Next, peel and slice the cucumber.
  2. Put the melon and cucumber in the blender.
  3. Next, add the glass of water and lemon juice.
  4. Just blend until you get a nice, even consistency.

Enjoy it on the spot!

It’s recommended to drink this juice two to three times a week (Photo: Infobae illustration).
You can drink melon and cucumber juice for a week, but after that, it’s best to drink it two to three days a week. This is a good amount to get the benefits of the juice without having too much natural sugar and eating a balanced diet.

Why is the watermelon a detoxifier?

Here's what you can expect if you drink a melon and cucumber juice every morning for a week

The water content of the melon is around 90%, which helps to keep you hydrated and makes it easier for your body to get rid of toxins through your urine.

Thanks to its high water and potassium content, it acts as a natural diuretic, promoting urine production and helping to flush out toxins and excess sodium from the body.

Since it has low calories and lots of nutrients, melon is great for detox diets without adding too many extra calories.
If you eat watermelon with cucumber, you’ll get even more benefits. Cucumber is high in fiber, mostly in the skin, which helps digestion and cleans the digestive tract.

If you’re experiencing stomach inflammation from eating cucumber, try removing the seeds, as they can sometimes cause irritation. You can use a spoon to gently scrape the seeds along both halves to make them easier to remove.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.