Life hacks

I pour 3 jars into the washing machine and set the wash to 90 degrees: after 2 hours the washing machine is as good as new!


A clean washing machine is the key to a successful wash and long-lasting performance. A simple and environmentally friendly way to clean your washing machine and rid it of dirt and odors is to use alcohol vinegar.

Why is it important to clean my washing machine regularly?

  • Get rid of bacteria and mould: These can build up in hidden parts of your washing machine and cause unpleasant odours or even damage your clothes.
  • Preventing limescale deposits: This is especially important in hard water areas where scale can form quickly and impair the functionality of the washing machine.
  • Improve washing performance: A clean washing machine works better, uses detergents more efficiently and washes better.

How to do it.

What you’ll need:


  1. Pour the vinegar into the drum: Put 3 cups of alcohol vinegar directly into the washing machine drum.
  2. Set the correct program: Select a wash setting of 90 degrees Celsius, a high enough temperature to effectively remove dirt and bacteria.
  3. Let it work: Start the washing machine and let the program run for 2 hours. The higher temperature along with the vinegar will ensure a thorough cleaning.
  4. Air out the washing machine: Leave the washing machine door open when the cycle is finished to allow it to air out properly and get rid of any residual vinegar smell.

More washing machine maintenance tips:

  • Clean the dispenser and seals: Regularly remove and clean the detergent dispenser and door seals, where moisture and detergent residue can accumulate.
  • Check and clean the filter: Every 2-3 months, clean the washing machine filter, where dirt, hair or small objects can get trapped.
  • Regular washing without laundry: Once a month, run the washing machine on an empty cycle with vinegar or a special deep cleaning detergent.

These simple steps will keep your washing machine in perfect condition, extend its life and improve your washing results.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.