Life hacks

If white spots appear on the yolk, can I eat the egg? A crucial question answered


The freshness of eggs can be tricky. No one wants to eat old eggs, we’re not interested in digestive problems. That’s why we subject eggs to all sorts of tests. We examine the yolk, the white, smell them, maybe even dip the egg in water to check how fresh it is. Still, sometimes something can surprise us. If you’ve ever come across the strange white loops in the middle of the yolk, don’t worry.

What is chalaza?

There are two chalazae in an egg and they are helical loops that secure the yolk in the white at each pole of the egg. They act as an anchor. It’s definitely not an umbilical cord, as some may be led to believe. And while we’re on the subject of fertilized vs. unfertilized eggs, let’s find out which ones we can find in regular grocery store chains.

Can a supermarket egg hatch into a chicken?

In the vast majority of cases, it can’t. In fact, we can find eggs in the shops that have not been fertilised. They come from farms and factory farms that do not keep roosters. When a hen does not come into contact with a cock, the egg is not fertilised, hence no chick is produced. Nevertheless, there are a few cases where people have managed to have ducks or quails hatch from store eggs. But don’t worry. Even if the eggs in the store happen to be fertilized, you won’t know anything. They look exactly the same and are perfectly safe to eat.

Determine the freshness of an egg using chalaza

Back to chalaza. Chalaza can tell us how old an egg is. The fresher the egg, the more prominent the white fibers. If you can’t trace the chalaza, you have an older egg at home.

Are the eggs healthy?

Absolutely. They contain protein and vitamins. They lower blood pressure, improve memory and help you lose weight. If you eat them in reasonable amounts, you don’t even have to worry about elevated cholesterol. Eggs can be prepared in dozens of ways – boiled, fried, omelettes, spreads and so on and so forth. You’ll do best if you include them in your diet in the morning.

What eggs not to consume?

Older than 28 days from laying, with a disturbed shell, suspicious either by sight or smell. A simple rule of thumb applies. If you don’t like something about an egg, don’t eat it.

Photo: Shutterstock

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.