Life hacks

Open Your Windows! Why Closed Windows in Hot Weather Are a Mistake


As delightful as the summer sun can be, few people enjoy enduring tropical temperatures inside their homes. To combat the heat, many quickly lower shutters and draw curtains to darken rooms, hoping to keep their living spaces as cool as possible. However, for those spending their days at home, the desire for fresh air becomes pressing. By evening, ventilation is a must. But can windows be opened during the peak of the heat?

The Pitfalls of Closed Windows in Hot Weather

It’s a common reaction to keep windows shut tight during hot weather to block out the heat. Surprisingly, this strategy can backfire. The effectiveness of ventilation largely depends on the building’s structure. For example, ground floor or semi-basement apartments, particularly in solidly built buildings, often maintain a cool indoor climate even on scorching summer days. In these cases, opening windows should be reserved for when indoor temperatures become unbearable to create a refreshing draft.

On the other hand, basement windows should remain closed during the day if outside temperatures exceed 25 degrees Celsius. Opening them can lead to condensation on cold walls, fostering mold growth.

The Case for Open Windows

Contrary to intuition, there are benefits to opening windows even in extreme heat. The problem isn’t just the heat but also the rising humidity levels inside a closed house, which can make the atmosphere even more stifling. While the incoming air may be warmer, the resulting draft, especially when aided by fans, can actually cool the environment and keep humidity at a tolerable level. This balance helps make the indoor climate more comfortable overall.

Finding a Balance

A practical approach is to open windows early in the morning or late in the evening when outside temperatures drop. This allows cooler, fresher air to flow into the home without increasing indoor temperatures during the day. Using fans or portable air conditioning units can further improve indoor comfort while windows are closed during peak heat hours.

By knowing the optimal times for ventilation and supplementing with cooling devices, you can maintain a pleasant indoor climate even in the hottest weather. Don’t let the heat keep you cooped up – open those windows and let in the fresh air!

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.