Life hacks

Optimal Washing Temperature: Why Below 40 Degrees is Best for Your Laundry


When it comes to setting the temperature of your washing machine, it’s important to consider the right choice for different types of clothing.

Effectiveness of Detergents

Modern detergents are increasingly effective at lower temperatures, which can lead to a false sense of security regarding clean laundry. It’s not just about visibly cleaning clothes; it’s also a battle against invisible bacteria.

Outdated Notions About Heat

There is much debate about the necessity of washing clothes at high temperatures (60-70 degrees Celsius) to effectively combat bacteria. Research shows that washing at lower temperatures only minimally reduces the number of microbes, sometimes even as effectively as unwashed clothing.

Sunlight and Ironing

For delicate fabrics that can’t withstand high temperatures, there are alternatives. Sunlight and thorough ironing are important tools for fighting bacteria. Experts advise that clothes that can’t handle heat require extra attention after washing. By properly drying them in the sun and thoroughly ironing them, any remaining bacteria can be killed.

A New Perspective on Washing Routines

This brings a new perspective to our washing routines. It is no longer sufficient to simply load the machine and select a program in the hope of achieving the best result.

Remember that washing is not just about cleanliness but also about health. With these new insights, laundry day can become a victory in the fight against microscopic invaders in your clothes.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.