Life hacks

Snails Are No Longer a Problem: This Popular Ingredient Solves Everything!


Plants in the garden can fall victim to snails. There is an insider tip to effectively keep the voracious molluscs at bay.

The Best Snail Protection

In a beautifully laid out herb and vegetable garden or even in a flower bed, a plague of snails can quickly become the plants’ undoing. That’s why you should always keep your eyes open for molluscs. If there really is a slug infestation in the garden, it is too time-consuming to move the little creatures by hand. Fortunately, there is a secret weapon against snails.

Especially in humid summers, snails can drive garden owners to despair. They like to eat and feast on the planted greenery. From specially purchased snail traps and rings to home remedies, there are plenty of methods that are supposed to help against the molluscs. Some are both environmentally and animal-friendly, others are not. Snails are not the only annoying pests in the garden; insects can also be dealt with.

According to the German Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU), it is best to create a garden that is close to nature and thus also establish natural predators for the snail. A natural protective barrier of plants that snails don’t like – such as camomile or savory – around the bed will also keep them away. Snail fences are also highly effective, albeit expensive.

Effective Home Remedies for Snails

Of course, you don’t always want to put other plants in the bed or buy an expensive snail fence. That’s why there are also a few household remedies that drive slugs away or keep them away. The most popular is probably the beer trap. This involves putting some beer in a container and placing it in the garden. The smell of the beer then attracts the slugs. However, this method is cruel, as the slugs often drown in the beer. Other household remedies are:

  • Wood ash
  • Coffee
  • Salt
  • Beer
  • Cat food and bran
  • Cinnamon
  • Eggshells
  • Oat flakes
  • Litter and lime

Why Cinnamon Works

Cinnamon is a surprisingly effective and natural remedy to keep snails at bay. Its strong scent acts as a deterrent, making the area around your plants less attractive to these pests. Simply sprinkle ground cinnamon around the plants you want to protect. Cinnamon is safe for plants and the environment, making it a popular choice among gardeners.

Other Useful Remedies

  • Oat flakes are very useful for getting rid of snails. This distracts the molluscs and they do not die as they can eat the flakes.
  • Eggshells create a rough surface that snails are very reluctant to crawl over. They are an environmentally and animal-friendly barrier that decomposes over time and enriches the soil.
  • Wood ash and lime can also be sprinkled around plants to deter snails, but lime alone is not enough to simulate a rough surface. Combining it with sawdust or eggshells enhances its effectiveness.

By using these household remedies, you can keep your garden snail-free without resorting to harsh chemicals or cruel methods. Cinnamon, in particular, is a standout solution that is both effective and environmentally friendly. Keep your garden thriving and beautiful with these simple and natural tips!

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.