Life hacks

Stay Cool and Save: Air Conditioner Advice from a University of Athens Professor!


High temperatures are expected in the next few days, and Theodoros Vasilakopoulos, Professor of Pulmonology Intensive Care at EKPA, spoke to ERT’s “Connections” show about how to avoid heat exhaustion and stay healthy.

Professor’s Tips for Beating the Heat

“The main thing to do is to reduce sun exposure when it is not absolutely necessary. There is no reason to be out at 12 noon unless we get sick and have to go to the hospital or our work requires us to be outside. All our other work can be done early in the morning, when the sun is not so strong, when the temperatures are more tolerable and more easily manageable for the human body,” Mr. Vasilakopoulos said.

He added that we need to hydrate frequently. “We should walk around with a water bottle or a bottle that has water and electrolytes and slowly rely on drinking small sips at very frequent intervals to replace the sweat we lose,” he said.

Proper Attire and Sun Protection

“We should wear thin and light clothing, light-coloured. We should have sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses. Especially the most vulnerable and older people should keep an umbrella if they have to go out,” added Mr. Vasilakopoulos.

Cooling Off Properly

Mr. Vasilakopoulos also noted that we do not need to cool off in the sea at noon or sit on the sandy beach under an umbrella to sunbathe. “We can, if we go to the sea, be in the water. It is good to put our head in the water if we know how. If we don’t know, we should wear a hat. Always with sunscreen and as soon as we cool off, we should leave. No sunbathing,” he said.

Air Conditioner Usage

Regarding the use of air conditioning, Mr. Vasilakopoulos said, “If the air conditioner filters are cleaned, it does not create a problem. On the contrary, the air conditioner does not refresh the air from the outside atmosphere; it recycles the inside air of the house and expels the heat to the outside. So we can use it in these conditions without fear.”

However, he added that in such heatwave conditions, there is no need to put the air conditioner on full blast. “Because if we have to move from a place with such a low temperature to the outside environment, the temperature change is great and that is a strain on the body. A neutral temperature of 24, 25, 26 degrees is fine,” the professor said.

Key Takeaways

  • Reduce Sun Exposure: Avoid being outside during peak sun hours unless necessary.
  • Stay Hydrated: Carry a water bottle or one with electrolytes and drink small sips frequently.
  • Wear Appropriate Clothing: Opt for thin, light-coloured clothes, sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses.
  • Avoid Noon Beach Visits: Cool off in the water if you go to the beach but avoid sunbathing.
  • Use Air Conditioning Wisely: Keep the temperature at a comfortable 24-26 degrees to prevent strain on the body.

By following these tips from Professor Vasilakopoulos, you can stay cool and save energy this summer.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.