Life hacks

The Czechs started pouring water on the egg plates. The new trick is literally a hit on the internet


Recently, a new trick has spread in Czech households and has become an internet hit. People have started pouring water on egg shells, with surprisingly useful results. This simple idea not only makes the job easier, but also brings new possibilities for gardening and household maintenance.

How does it work?

The trick is to pour water on empty egg shells and let them soak. Egg trays are made of paper, which has the ability to absorb water. This way you are guaranteed to keep the plates moist and can use them as an effective gardening tool.

Use in the garden

Moist egg plates are ideal for seed germination. Seeds need a moist environment to germinate and grow. The procedure is simple: place the seeds in the individual depressions on the plates and then cover them with a thin layer of soil. Water regularly and keep the plates moist. As the paper from the egg plates is biodegradable, you can simply transplant the germinated plants and the plate into a bed or pot without damaging the roots.

Household benefits

Another benefit of this trick is the reduction of waste. Instead of throwing away empty egg cartons, you can reuse them, which is environmentally friendly. This trick can also help save time and effort when gardening.

The Czechs started pouring water on the egg plates. The new trick is literally a hit on the internet

More tips and tricks

  • Composting: Egg shells are a great material for compost. Adding wet egg plates to the compost will speed up the decomposition process.
  • Storage space: If you leave the egg shells to dry, they can serve as a handy organizer for small items such as screws, nuts or buttons.
  • Craft projects: Wet egg trays can also be used for various craft projects with children. Making paper pulp out of wet plates can be a fun and creative activity.

The trick of pouring water on egg shells shows that even ordinary things can have unexpected uses. This idea, which is spreading rapidly across the internet, is another example of how simple and eco-friendly methods can improve our everyday lives. With just a little creativity and a willingness to try new things, the results can be surprisingly useful.

Photo: Shutterstock

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.