Life hacks

The slugs will definitely fly out of the garden. The Czechs have figured out an amazing way to get rid of them


Slugs can be a real disaster for any gardener. They destroy vegetables and flowers, but also leave slimy trails that are difficult to remove. However, Czechs have discovered several effective methods to get rid of these unwelcome guests once and for all.

Beer traps

One of the simplest and most effective methods is the use of beer traps. Simply bury a container of beer in the ground so that its rim is level with the ground. The slugs are attracted to the smell of the beer, climb into the trap and drown. This method should be checked regularly and the traps cleaned.

Eggshell crumbs

Another proven method is to use eggshell crumble. The shells are crushed into small pieces and spread around the plants. The coarse edges of the eggshells bother the slugs and prevent them from reaching the plants. In addition, the shells provide calcium to the soil, which is another advantage of this method.

Coffee grounds

Slugs don’t like coffee grounds. Just spread it around the plants you want to protect. Coffee grounds also enrich the soil with important nutrients, which benefits the plants themselves. This method is environmentally friendly and very effective.

Copper strips

Using copper strips around plants or pots is another effective way to deter slugs. Copper causes a mild electric shock when it comes into contact with slug slime, which repels slugs. This method needs to be combined with others to be really effective.

Manual collection

For those who are not afraid of a little work, hand picking slugs is still one of the most effective methods. The best time to collect is early in the morning or after rain, when slugs are most active.

Slugs are a big challenge for gardeners, but with these methods you can effectively get rid of them. Try different approaches and find the one that works best for you.

Photo: Shutterstock

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.