Life hacks

You will need an empty plastic bottle and some beer: ingenious traps to get rid of slugs in the garden


Slugs can cause serious damage to garden plants, frustrating many gardeners. One eco-friendly and effective method of getting rid of these pests is a beer trap. This method takes advantage of the attraction of beer to slugs, luring them into a trap where they eventually die. Here is a simple guide on how you can prepare a beer trap at home.

What you’ll need:

  • Beer (snail bait)
  • Containers or bowls or a plastic bottle (for placing traps)
  • Yeast (to increase the attractiveness of the trap)
  • Sugar (increases attractiveness)
  • Water (to dilute the mixture)

Preparation procedure:

1) Preparing the mixture:

In a suitable container, mix 1 cup of beer, 1 tablespoon of yeast and 1 teaspoon of sugar. These ingredients together will increase the attractiveness of the trap to slugs.

Add a little water to give the mixture the consistency of thin syrup. This will improve the spread of the scent and increase the likelihood of attraction .

2) Filling the bowls:

Pour the prepared mixture into bowls or containers. Place the bowls in strategic places in your garden, especially in areas where you have noticed a high incidence of slugs. If you use a plastic bottle, make a hole in it and bury it in the ground.

3) Trap placement:

Place the bowls directly on the ground or near plants frequently attacked by slugs. Ideally, the trays should be placed in shady, moist areas where slugs are most likely to be found.

4) Inspection and maintenance:

Check the bowls regularly. When you find them full of slugs, empty the contents and prepare a new batch of traps. The trap can also run out, so it’s a good idea to refill it occasionally.

Why use beer traps:

  • The ecological method: Beer traps are natural and do not contain chemicals harmful to other organisms or plants.
  • Effectiveness: Beer is very effective in attracting slugs, which are attracted by its fermenting aroma.
  • Easy to prepare: The trap can be easily prepared with commonly available ingredients and no complicated maintenance is required.

Beer trap is a great way to control slug populations in your garden without using harmful pesticides. This method is simple, inexpensive and can significantly reduce slug damage to your plants.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.